Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Monday, June 19, 2006

Is "Truth" Determined By Culture?

Ok, here's the email that a friend received from her professor. Basically, my friend was questioning some things that were in the textbook such as...

that because there is dispute over the nature of the earth, there isn't a real truth about its nature. It [the textbook] reads: "This example...illustrates that truth is never just one thing". "These kinds of beliefs, or truths, may change throughout our lives..."

Here is the professor's response to my friend's email:

From the perspective being advocated in the book, "truth" is a matter of agreements. Not all cultures define phenomena in the same way, and language plays a significant role in how we construct our understandings of things. For instance, in our culture, we have 7 basic colors and variations on those (red, orange, yellow, etc.). But there are other cultures that have only 3 words for colors. Do they perceive reality differently? Who's to say?

With regard to time, you do, indeed, put in an objective amount of time (which could be called objective truth), and your perceptions of it will vary (subjective truth). But we, as a culture, choose to define time in a particular way. Our culture is very linear with time (past, present, future). But other cultures do not have that linear sense. Islanders, for instance, typically measure time in terms of recurring cycles and don't have any sense of "future" or "end" that Western culture does.

So, is your sense of time a belief? Yes, from this perspective. You agree to and use a particular time measurement system that has been agreed upon, and around which ways of living are constructed.

Now after reading this, how would you respond. You don't have to respond to the entire email (that may take a while), but perhaps pick out 1-3 things from this and tell how you'd respond. Also, do you see the confusion between reality itself and knowledge of reality in here?



Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

i agree with gf.
I find it funny, too, that people can put their faith into things like fossils and other thigns that supposedly prove the existence of the earth as of however many millions of years ago, saying that because such things have been around for so long they must be true, and yet they can't believe in God which HAS been around, since the beginning.

The whole deal about a proffessor saying truth is in perspective of a beholder is ridiculous. at least, thats what i read though i may not have read it correctly. Yes, there are the basic colors and the west coast and islanders have different names for them, and different numbers of names, but regardless of what these colors are CALLED, they are still in existence. they're still there.
thats my disregard to the proffessor's cheap example.

6/19/2006 11:07 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Yeah, I'd say you both are totally right on with this! And GF, I got your joke in your first post here. lol! I may be incorrectly perceiving the words you are using... you could have been talking about a Met's game for all I know. "Who's to say?" ;D

WB, you're right too, especially with what you wrote about the colors. "Regardless of what these colors are colled, they are still in existence." And another culture may have a word for "blue" for example. But if they wanted to distinuguish "sky blue" from "coral blue", they can. All they have to do is add an adjective or combine the words they have in their vocabulary.

With what he said about time, regardless of how we "perceive" time, there is one true way of how time runs. We may meet people who think time is an illusion... well, that's their perception, and they could be wrong (and I actually do think they are wrong, otherwise thoughts, motion, and "change" wouldn't make much sense.)

In philosophy, there is a sub-specialty called "philosophy of time" where people to try to make sense of time and reality. I've learned a little bit about it because that's one of my husband's specialties. It's pretty facinating. Perhaps if you're interested, maybe I'll try to explain some of the interesting things about it in a *future* blog or comment box. haha... got my bad pun? in the future!

Anyway, I'm so glad that you both are interested in discussing this stuff! I hope *ahem* that other people would be interested in joining with us!!! *hint hint* :D

6/20/2006 11:38 AM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

lol heather lynch, n who might i ask, are you??

6/21/2006 10:43 AM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

lol ur such a tard ^.^ tis why ur my friend, tho, right?^.^

6/21/2006 11:38 PM


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