Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why the "How do you KNOW?" answering the skeptics, part dos

I just want to explain why I want us to explore the "skepticism" issue.

First, we want to learn how to reach everyone... and that includes skeptics. Therefore, we need to figure out the reasons why people become skeptical so that we know how to deal with it in a good way when we do encounter an uber-skeptic of Christianity. (I like making up new words... "uber-skeptic"... ha!) We need to know when it's good, so we can use it appropriately in order to help others see whether they are standing on a shaky foundation (remember tonight's message by Pastor Chad? rock vs. sand foundation?).

Second, we need to investigate ourselves and our beliefs. Just as a "thought-experiment", I'd like all of you who are reading this to play the skeptic against yourselves. Why do you believe Christianity is true, and keep asking yourselves why. If you don't do this now now, someone else probably will in the future. I would like you to find out what your core foundation is. What are the ultimate reasons for the faith you hold? If your ultimate reasons are a bit shaky at this point, remember that's okay! That's why we're having this discussion. If your foundation is a bit shaky, my hope is that this discussion will give you a stronger and stronger foundation for your Christian faith... because for me after a lot of reflection of my own, I have arrived at some pretty darn good reasons (apart from personal experiences) for putting my faith, trust, hope, and life in Jesus Christ, and I'd like to share those reasons with you too.



Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

theres many reasons that i believe in god. for one thing, peopel must be pretty selfish if they think 'miracles' are really miracles and not somethign that a higher beign has created. secondly, god makes SENSE. he has been proven over and over to be real,even in science.
3... people talk about feeling good or w/e, and with god you do feel good. everythign that people solely look for is something that god himself is or provides. ultimate happiness is with god, ultimate love and joy is with god.... and other religions dont' make sense to me whereas this does. it's proven.... it's somehting that you can feel with you even when your walkign away from it.
its soemthign that gives you a sense of purpose...

and there is absolutley NO logical reason that i can find that tells why you shouldn't believe in god.

am i being too naieve on this?

6/28/2006 11:59 PM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

YAY! susan hath JOINETH!

6/29/2006 3:26 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Yay! Thou art welcome good ISFC! Glad you could join! :)

Just quickly then, I'll recap what we have so far (and correct me if I misunderstand what any of you write):
1) Christianity makes more sense than other religions.
2) "miracles" point to God.
3) You see it in other people... how God has influenced people's outlook on life.
4) The Bible is written by people who had actual encounters with God..."first-person" accounts.
5) Evidence from science.

Good! Keep it up.

GF, what conclusions did you arrive at? (even if they're the same as what's already listed)

And anyone else too! Please don't feel nervous about joining. We are all here to support each other and grow in our faith.

Tonight (or tomorrow morning if I don't have a chance to get back), I'll give a couple of my reasons too.

6/29/2006 5:38 PM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

yes, I think that pretty much sums everything up. i am kinda curious as to what G has to say...

6/29/2006 6:00 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Sorry for taking so long to get to this. I'll just comment briefly because I have to work on this somewhat-big project for tomorrow (we'll be celebrating my mom's b-day and dad's Father's Day... they were out of town).

But yeah, GF, Christianity is supported by historical and archaeological facts as well.

So... Christiainity is supported by historical, archaeological, and scientific facts. It's also supported by philosophical arguments/reasoning, textual analysis, miracles & life-changes, and oh... what else? I'll briefly post something about the textual stuff tomorrow if I can.

So why are there so many people who are skeptical to Christianity? Stay tuned... That's another blog topic I'll write about shortly.

7/01/2006 10:39 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Oh... another "teaser" to keep you all on the edge of your seat (I know, I know... this blog is just tooo cooool! *wink* ;) ). I'm going to write about "bad arguments against Christianity". That is, it'll be about some arguments people have against Christianity and why they are not good arguments.

7/01/2006 10:42 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Ok, just quickly, I'll write some of the other main foundations I have too...

- It is supported by philosophical arguments. (Philosophy is only a tool... you can use it to seek truth or to fall into extreme skepticism)
- All other views seem to have many serious internal philosophical problems, and/or they conflict with how reality actually seems to be, and they have very very little archaeological support if any.
- Atheism seems to be a very hopeless and pointless way of living.
- For Agnosticism, it's too skeptical. Either believe or don't believe, but don't just keep retreating into the "I don't know so I won't move" way of thinking.
- Personal experience... a miracle happened when I was almost 2 where God actually intervened and prevented me from drowning. He revealed this to my parents at the same time at a Marrage Encounter retreat while they were in separate rooms journaling and battling with confusion over the incident. It was then that they became believers.

7/03/2006 8:05 PM


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