Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Thursday, July 27, 2006

God is Everywhere

Hi guys! it's Heather Lynch, as opposed to Heather Rhoda.
i'm writing a post on this board because its somethign that God pulled at my heart. its a little aparatic to read, i think, but it all ties together if you pay attention. It's not all that greatly written, but its not something i planned to write, so keep that in mind as you read.

I just got a very vivid, clear message from God in the post peculiar of ways.
A lot of you know my sister, Tasha. she and I share a room, and have bunkbeds. she was playing on my bed, and it was my job to put her to sleep tonight. She was scared and fought sleeping in her own bed because, as she claimed, God wasn't down there.

to get her to go to bed i had to convince her that God was where she slept, and that he was everywhere, that there is no place god ISN'T.

I realized that God being everywhere is something she is still learning and is a concept that she has yet to fully grasp.
For those of you who were in church on wednesday, you know that most of the night consisted of prayer. whether it was for something big or little, everyone in that room needed prayer, and only about half came up to the front to share (As far as my knowledge. i believe some people went for prayer after service was over.)
I know a few people who were having some difficulty in their lives... whether big or small... and they wouldn't go up for prayer when they needed it.
it occured to me that some people might have got that classic, scenario-like 'i'm not worthy of God and have no buisness askign him for help' kind of thing. It dawned on me that people may have convinced themselves that God wasn't with them anymore.

and i guess what i wanted to say is that God is, infact, everywhere.
its a difficult concept for humans to understand. there is not many things in this world that can be everywhere, at once, hence its not a concept that we as humans will be able to grasp.
not even something so common as the air we breathe is everywhere. God is the one and only thing.
He will see everything you did, are doing, and will do. he knows all... and will forever forgive you for everything that you do.

i know that this is small... its something that we all know in the back of our heads....
but it's also something easily forgotten. if you don't keep in your head that God always loves you, that he is everywhere, and will ALWAYS BE everywhere no matter what you do or where you go, then you will forget, and you will fall away from God.

a love that never ceases is a hard thign to grasp. so is the fact that God was not created, he always was. but i think that knowing in your heart and in your head that God is always around you no matter where on earth (or even out of earth) you go is the most difficult concept to grasp as it is the most easily forgotten.

~Heather Lynch~



Blogger Heather R. said...

One thing that really struck me here was where Heather mentioned that her sister was scared and fought sleeping because she thought God wasn't at a certain place. Sometimes I feel like I have to face situations alone and forget that God is always with me. Sometimes I depend on myself too much and forget that God is right there with me, He's working out things that are ultimately beneficial for me and others, whether it is to strengthen our character, or keeping us from possible evil, or keeping us safe, or to help others to know Him.

The thing about fear is that it happens especially when we forget that God is always there, always with us, always working to bring out the good in all situations. I just need to learn to trust Him more.

Great topic Heather! From Heather :)

7/29/2006 9:03 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

lol, that was a great post Heather! very thought provoking.
(btw, sry it took so long 4 me to call. :[

8/15/2006 6:58 PM


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