Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Monday, July 03, 2006

Some arguments used against Christianity

In a comment, WB posted these arguments people will often use against Christianity. I thought they would be good to get us going. I'll comment a bit on each one...

1. If God was real then people wouldn't go through pain/hurt and we'd all live like kings.

This is typically what's called by philosophers as "The Problem of Evil". Another way of stating this may go something like this... The Christian God is known as being all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (and all-present and eternal). If God were all-knowing, He'd know about all the evil that could occur. If God were all-powerful, He could stop all evil from happening. If God were all-good, He wouldn't want evil to occur, so He'd prevent any evil from happening. However, we know evil does occur. Therefore, the Christian God doesn't exist.

So... what's wrong with this reasoning? I'll give a hint: it has to do with what "goodness" really is. Also, what would happen if we got all that we wanted, and we didn't have to work? (Look up Romans 5:3-5 and keep in mind that Paul wrote this during a time of tremendous persecution against Christians. There's more I could write on this, but instead of me lecturing, let's discuss.)

2. The bible contradicts science in that science proves the earth was around millions of years ago and took millions of years to create whereas the 'bible' said the earth was created in 7 days.

A lot of people who are skeptical about Christianity bring up Genesis. There are a couple of ways of dealing with this. The Hebrew word "yom" can either mean "day", "year", or "period of time". Yom Kippur means "Day of Atonement". So it could mean creation took place over 6 periods of time. But even if it took place in six 24-hour days, could God accomplish it with all carbon-dating intact? Absolutely. Again, here people get stuck on thinking about the "how did this occur" rather than "that this occured".

3. God doesn't exist becacause you can't see him (this one is classic)

Ooh... there's a lot to say about this. But here's the question I'd ask... "so even if you could see God right now, what about the blind person?... Ok, then what about the people who are both blind and deaf? etc... Would God not exist to them because they would not be able to see Him?" What do you all think about this? Do you have a different response you'd give?

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Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

YAY! you used my suggestions.^.^ *feels oh so important and loved*
i love your responses, too. they are all very good arguments.

where are the other 2???
ditchin us out here, eh heather?

7/04/2006 12:18 AM

Blogger Heather R. said...

That's what I'm wondering...

Yooooohooooo! Where art thou oh ISFC and GF???? Yooooohooooo!!

7/04/2006 1:05 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

So WB, what would you say to people when they bring up #1?

The first thing I'd probably say is that if we DID live like kings and God prevented ANY bad things from happening, what would happen? We'd be spoiled brats!!! Would that be better than allowing difficulties to occur in order to strengthen our character? Take Abraham and Isaac for example... I think the whole circumstance was ultimately designed to strengthen Abraham's character for being the spritual leader of the whole family and to carry the promise of the Messiah.

7/04/2006 1:23 PM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

well, i have many points to bring up on that subject. for one, your rihgt. we'd all be spoiled brats. another point that i bring up to LOTS of people is that it sometimes takes a little pain and trouble to realize the things that are truly beautiful.
also, God in't there to give us whatever we watn. like any good parent knows, you give your child what the NEED, then reward them with what they want if they've been good kids.
Likewise, god is here to give us what we need. giving everyone everythign that they want would be chaoitc because humans are imperfect and greedy.
another reason why God wouldn't provide us with such unneccessary things is that it would end any possible human interaction. it would also end any good relationships with God because people won't feel that they need such interaction. humans in generall would become isolated from one another and become 100% less thankfull for anything that they have.

7/05/2006 1:03 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Yeah, I like what you said about the pain part... yes, sometimes it does take a little pain to get us to wake up and realize what really is important and beautiful. The big thing is "character development". I believe that God wants us to truly grow, but in order for us to grow, we need to make some decisions. What kind? Glad you asked! *wink* We have the choice to decide how things will affect us internally. That is where our major decisions are. Are we going to let the circumstances around us make us bitter and hateful -or- will we look at the circumstances, see them for what they are (an invisible spiritual battle), and choose what is good and come closer to God.

We know our bad circumstances in this life won't last forever... but how we allow those circumstances to affect our souls does last forever.

BTW, WB I'm soooooo glad you've joined in on this blog! I have to admit, it's a bit discouraging that others aren't interested in this, and I really don't know why. Maybe they are... but I don't know.

7/05/2006 4:09 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

WB GF! (I think you mentioned you were going to Idaho, but I forgot. Glad you're back!) And you're totally right about #1. He wants to build a strong, persevering character in us. Without some pain and hard work... Sheesh! We'd be wimps!

7/07/2006 5:37 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

ISFC, I'm glad this helps! You are sooooo soooo very welcome! ;) Thanks for your input!

7/07/2006 5:38 PM


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