Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The future of this blog

I just got back this morning and I've really missed being able to get on this blog as often as at home... I think I'm addicted to this blog. (But that's a good addiction, right? ;) )

I'm thinking of more ways to get the most use out of this blog as possible. After camp, I'll try to get a discussion board going and then we all can post topics and discuss all the various issues you'd like to talk about. But until then, another idea I have is this: for those of you who have been posting on here perhaps I can give you all priviledges to post blog topics of interest and ability to moderate as well. I can't just give one priviledge... the way blogger works is that it's all or nothing. But I'd rather not be the only person to post a blog on here.

Perhaps for those of you who are going to camp (I think we're all signed up to go, right?), we can find a time to meet and toss this idea around. I really like the blog Heather wrote and I really like the topic Kyle wrote (which with his permission, I'd like to repost as a blog topic... Kyle, are you there? Let me know if it's okay to repost it. It's a great topic. By the way, I tried to check out your blog, but it wasn't there.) and it would be great for Jessica and Taylor to be able to start up a blog topic as well, such as on the ones regarding free will and worship.

Let me know what you all think about this (in other words, please comment on this!). We'll discuss even more at camp about this when we have time.


Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

lol i think it sounds like a plan.^.^ i personally like having privelidges to both blogs.... mine and illuminate.

7/30/2006 12:25 AM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Kyle, thanks for letting me repost your entry as a full blog. And for the blogger thing, the idea I was tossing around was where people could start up topics regarding religion stuff (just like what you did with the Mormonism comment, but instead making that into a blog entry.) So if you'd like you can post a blog entry, but if you prefer just commenting, that's cool too. And you can always change your mind about it later on too. =D

GF, I'll get you set up with the priv's next weekend after camp. I think the topic of faith would be great.

7/30/2006 10:51 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

BTW, I finally got a look at your blog. Very cool graphics and stuff!

7/30/2006 10:52 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Yo! JF (aka Berry), I'll send you an email about this. Let me know if you get it.

8/07/2006 6:39 PM


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