Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Dark Night of the Soul, part 1

I realize I've been going through something called "Dark Night of the Soul," originally written by St. John of the Cross who was a monk who lived from 1542-1591. Though this isn't something that has do do with apologetics, you may be interested in this anyway. Good discussion material! I'm going to copy this down from a book I have (though you can find another translation on the internet too). It just gives short excerpts from the whole work.

Introduction (just a part of it)
It was in confinement that his most famous work, The Dark Night of the Soul, was written. It describes the work of God upon the soul--not through joy and light, but through sorrow and darkness. The concept of the "dark night" has become an integral part of understanding the spiritual journey. Though he died four centuries ago, John of the Cross continues to exercise a significant influence on Christian spirituality.

Section 1: To Purify the Soul
. At a certain point in the spiritual journey God will draw a person from the beginning stage to a more advanced stage. At this stage the person will begin to engage in religious exercises and grow deeper in the spiritual life.
. Such souls will likely experience what is called "the dark night of the soul." The "dark night" is when those persons lose all the pleasure that they once experienced in their devotional life. This happens because God wants to purify them and move them on to greater heights.
. After a soul has been converted by God, that soul is nurtured and caressed by the Spirit. Like a loving mother, God cares for and comforts the infant soul by feeding it spiritual milk. Such souls will find great delight in this stage. They will begin praying wiht great urgency and perseverance; they will engage in all kinds of religious activities because of the joy they experience in the activities.
. But there will come a time when God will bid them to grow deeper. He will remove the previous comforts and consolation from the soul in order to teach it virtue and to prevent it from developing vice. The following sections deal with the seven capital sins. In each of the sins, it becomes clear how the soul has begun to misuse its spiritual comforts and why God must take it away in order to purify the soul from these imperfections.

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Blogger Heather R. said...

Hey Tayler! For many people, there comes a time where they feel like they are in the desert spiritually, and they then try very hard to get that brief moment of excitement where they feel God's presence... but when they try to feel God's presence, they get nothing. Sometimes people will think, "What am I doing wrong?" But it's not that they are doing anything wrong... God simply wants them to develop more of a steady walk, a true relationship, rather than just a Sunday high to carry them through the week.

Here's an illustration: you know kids (and adults) who are addicted to sugar? It's like when they are feeling tired and need a boost of energy or even just crave the energy itself, they will get something with sugar in it. They then feel they have energy... but they have waaay too much. When that sugar is used up, they crash, craving that sugar again. Up and down and up and down. Without moderation, they want more and more sugar until they can't stand anything else that doesn't have sugar. That can happen in our spiritual life as well. But what we need more is that constant walk. In order to get off that sugar addiction, for many, the best way (though not easiest) is to go cold-turkey.

This is when God (for a time) will bring us through that dark night where we don't get that quick joy from Him... we don't feel His presence, our prayers seem ineffective, etc. In that time of spiritual testing, we'll learn to simply wait upon the Lord and develop a stronger awareness and relationship with Him.

10/18/2006 8:50 AM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Hope this post brings a bit more excitement to your day! *cheers*!

10/18/2006 8:50 AM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

WOOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!! Heather your a genious. You completley described what i had been going through.^.^

I think it's your name that attributes to your greatness. then again, i might be a bit biased. ;)

10/19/2006 6:53 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

I'd say the spiritual highs aren't quite used for purifying us, but rather to draw us into His love --to draw us closer to Him and to refresh us.

I'm glad you all are enjoying this! :) Hopefully tonight I'll post part 3.

10/31/2006 10:42 AM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Yeah, and some people just live for that once a week rush and never grow beyond that... I think that's when God will take away that once a week rush in order to get the person to start seeking God every day to get that steady flow.

11/12/2006 4:41 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Exactly! Touché!

11/14/2006 10:29 PM


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