Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Sunday, September 03, 2006

All Roads Lead to Rome?

When the topic of religion is brought up with nonbelievers (or "unbelievers"... whichever they're called), probably the most frequent things we'll hear people say are, "all religions are basically the same," "They all lead to heaven," "They all believe in a God," etc. The phrase "all roads lead to Rome" basically comes from ancient Rome where, yes, all roads from all countries eventually did lead to Rome. It was their final destination. So my question is, how would you respond? Are all religions basically the same?

One thing I used to say was, "Well suppose you had a final exam and there was only one question, 'Which religion is right?', wouldn't you want to have the right answer? I mean, a lot might be at stake." Then someone pointed out to me that this would make it seem that God was being a bit petty... like "you didn't choose MY religion," or "*beep*! Wrong title!" So yeah, it's not about the title... it's about a LOT more. But how do you explain the differences in a succinct (short and sweet) way? How do you explain what is really at stake? Suppose you only have like 3 minutes before their attention switches to another topic?

They assert "all religions are the same - pick your poison, basically" and you assert "no they're not". One assertion against another. Now you gotta get to get to the nitty gritty of it with very little time.

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Blogger Heather R. said...

By the way, sorry for not writing a post earlier. To be honest, I couldn't find the energy... but now I'm back! =)

9/03/2006 9:39 PM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

hmmm.... theres a whole variety of answers for this. i watched my parents do this with some of my neihgbors the other day in a freindly debate over God. Ilove watchign debates.^.^

9/09/2006 4:12 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Great ideas here... but WB, we're still waiting to see what you'd say too!

I've thought a lot about what I would say, and I recently (this past summer) I came up with something: The main issue is where you place your trust. That's one of the main things in the issue. We know we've messed up. What's the remedy? Many people would say their works. Here are some other answers: Jehovah's Witnesses -> an angel (they believe Jesus was really the archangel Michael); Mormons -> Jesus (a created being, not the ultimate God, etc.) & Joseph Smith's teachings & their works; Muslims -> Allah (they depend on his mercy but no real remedy) & Mohammed & their works (to please Allah--basically to balance the scales of bad works and good works); Judaism -> genetic heritage (being God's people, historically) & repentance (but they forget the reason why an equal substitutionary (or "replacement") sacrifice has to be made); Buddhists -> their works (they believe there is no God); "Teaching of the Inner Christ" -> becoming enlightened through meditation and seances; Christianity -> sacrifice (done by Jesus/God) & repentance (done by us and not to be confused with "works") & forgiveness (promised by God). Also in Christianity, relationship is very important too... that's icing on the cake and living for and with God is what we were originally designed to do.

That would be my 3 minutes. Then if they're interested in why repentance and forgiveness is so important, then great. But that would definitely be beyond my 3 minutes.

9/12/2006 10:11 AM

Blogger Heather R. said...


9/25/2006 6:20 PM


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