Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Monday, October 23, 2006

DNOTS, part 2

FYI, DNOTS stands for "Dark Night of the Soul." So here's the next part. Sorry I've been bad about getting back here. I've been having a dialog with some atheists and I think that conversation is coming to a close, so I'm back. It was an interesting discussion. I have some more arguments for the existence of God. I'll explain after discussing the DNOTS.

2. Secret Pride
. Beginners in the spiritual life are apt to become very diligent in their exercises. The great danger fro them will be to become satisfied with their religious works and with themselves. It is easy for them to develop a kind of secret pride, which is the first of the seven capital sins.
. Such persons become too spiritual. They like to speak of "spiritual things" all the time. They become content with their growth. They would prefer to teach rather than to be taught. They condemn others who are not as spiritual as they are. They are like the Pharisee who boasted in himself and despised the publican who was not as spiritual as he.
. The devil will often inflame their fervor so that their pride will grow even greater. The devil knows that all of their works and virtues will become valueless and, if unckecked, will become vices. For they begin to do these spiritual exercises to be esteemed by others. They want others to realize how spiritual they are. They will also begin to fear confession to another for it would ruin their image. So they soften their sins when they make confession in order to make them appear less imperfect.
. They will beg God to take away their imperfections, but they do this only because they want to find inner peace and not for God's sake. They do not realize that if God were to take away their imperfections from them, they would probably become prouder and more presumptuous still.
. But those who are at this time moving in God's way will counter this pride with humility. They will learn to think very little of themselves and their religious works. Instead, they will focus on how great and how deserving God is and how little it is that the can do for him. The Spirit of God dwells in such persons, urging them to keep their treasures secretly within themselves.

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Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

I'm really liking this whole Dark Night section.

Sometimes it cna get really hard to keep great things to yourself in an effort to not be boastful. Great post Heather!

10/29/2006 6:43 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Part of me doesn't want to use this real-life example I have in mind, though I don't know why. But I think I should refer you all to read a bit of this piece written by a Christian who, IMO, has reached the height of pride. There are many who think this guy is top-dog, but when I read this piece last night, I cringed. The main parts I'd like you to read are the "Question" part and the "Conclusion". He takes scripture out of context, re-interprets the scripture mentioned in the Question by thinking we should be respectful and kind only to Christians.

Here's the link:

BTW, I've realized it is easy to fall into this trap of pride. For a while (luckily not very long) I was getting prideful. From going through this DNOTS, God's taught me that the mind isn't everything (it IS important, but it's not everything) and there were serious things I was abandoning in my spiritual life.

10/31/2006 10:34 AM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Tayler, yeah, I agree... they either become humbled or keep getting knocked down...or they ignore it, think they are being persecuted, and become even more stuck in their pride (kinda how my cats might have the idea stuck in their heads to scratch a bed even when I correct them over and over)

10/31/2006 10:38 AM


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