Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. --Matthew 5:15-16

Friday, November 10, 2006

DNOTS, part 4

4. Three Causes

. The third sin is spiritual luxury. It is from this sin that all of the others proceed, and thus, it is the most important. Here is what happens; a soul which is deep in prayer may experience profound temptations and find itself powerless to prevent them. Sometimes this even happens during holy communion, or whne saying confession. This happens from one of three causes.
. The first cause is the physical pleasure the body takes in spiritual things. The lower part of our nature, the flesh, is sometimes stirred up during times of devotion. But it cannot possess and lay hold upon the experience, and so, begins to stir up what it can possess, namely, the impure and the sensual.
. The second cause is the devil. In order to disturb and disquiet the soul, the devil will try to stir up impurity within the soul, hoping that it will give heed to these temptations and become lax in prayer, and if they persist, it may even give up on prayer altogether.
. The third cause is an inordinate fear of impure thoughts. Some souls are so tender and frail that they cannot stand such thoughts and live in great fear of them. This fear in itself can cause their downfall. They become agitated at the least disturbance and thus are too easily distracted.
. When the soul enters into the dark night, all these things are put under control. The flesh will be quieted, the devil will be silent, and the fear will subside, all because of the fact that God takes away all of the sensory pleasure, and the soul is purified in the absence of it.

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Blogger Heather R. said...

Great example Jessica! That really applies to the first and second causes. I've experienced the third one, where I've gone through something traumatic spiritually (an encounter with demons) and was paranoid of being tested more. I remember asking God to not give me any more temptations... looking back, what does this show? I didn't trust God even in those dark hours. That's one thing I certainly need to grow in.

Sometimes people are afraid of those deeper spiritual encounters or spiritual tests so they stay as close to the shore as possible.

11/12/2006 4:47 PM

Blogger the-wonder-bucket said...

dude this post makes so much sense..^.^

11/28/2006 10:07 PM

Blogger Heather R. said...

Geez, time goes soo fast!! I posted this just on 11/10? Wow. Anyway, there are 4 more to go, and I'll try to get those up every other day for the next week so we can finish them up. The next ones are also really good. I can really identify with them - especially #5. Tonight hopefully I'll be able to write that one down. Take care you all (if you're still checking up on this!;) )

12/04/2006 10:49 PM


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